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Model-Based Engineering Failure Modes, Effects, and Criticality Analysis Profile (SYSML Version)
The failure modes, effects, and criticality analysis (FMECA) is a foundational reliability and maintainability (R&M) engineering design activity implemented during the design and development of a product or system. The FMECA identifies potential failure modes for independent single-item or functional failures, as well as the resulting effects on mission success, performance, safety, reliability, and maintainability. The FMECA, when performed early in the design process, allows for the implementation of appropriate corrective actions needed to eliminate Severity I and II failure modes or control risks associated with each remaining failure mode. Controlling critical failures can improve operational readiness and reduce life cycle cost.
This DID is the product of a pilot effort to model a DID using SysML. The attached digital reference profile(s) does not constitute DoD endorsement of a commercial tool or vendor. It is provided as a reference implementation to facilitate the testing of ASSIST and the future revision to DSP procedures to accommodate digital standardization products.
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| Base Document | A | 30-OCT-2023 | 12 | 826.1 KB |
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