Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages
This guidebook provides best practices for implementing an effective Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages (DMSMS) management program throughout the entire life cycle of a system. A DMSMS issue is the loss, or impending loss, of manufacturers or suppliers of items, raw materials, or software. DMSMS management is a multidisciplinary process to identify issues resulting from obsolescence, loss of manufacturing sources, or material shortages; to assess the potential for negative impacts on schedule and/or readiness; to analyze potential mitigation strategies; and then to implement the most cost-effective strategy.
All systems are susceptible to DMSMS issues. The DoD loses a manufacturer or supplier when that manufacturer or supplier discontinues production and/or support of needed items, raw materials, or software or when the supply of raw material is no longer available. DMSMS issues affect materiel readiness and operational availability, which, in turn, affect both combat operations and safety. A robust risk-based DMSMS management program, using practices outlined in this guidebook, can minimize the negative impacts of DMSMS on program costs, schedule, and system performance—and ultimately warfighter readiness and lethality.
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