Conversion of MIL-STD-100 to a Non-Government Standard
This case study addresses the development of a non-government standard to replace MIL-STD-100. Engineering Drawing Practices Compliance with MIL-STD-100 was required when commercial or contractor drawings were not an option. The advent of acquisition reform increased attention and concern on the way DOD set acquisition requirements. The defense establishment and its manufacturers were deeply entangled with the intricacies of MIL-STD-100, and changing to an NGS required a change of mindset. Because MIL-STD-100 was so widely used, input was encouraged from SAE, ASTM, ASME and IEEE as well as Military, Government and industry professionals. The initial 2 year schedule which was placed on the conversion of MIL-STD-100 to an NGS was too optimistic resulting in an additional year. The deferred benefits of the conversion are long range and programs that accept commercial drawings may realize the greatest savings. The responsibility of for maintaining drawing practice standards has shifted to ASME, lowering DoD's document maintenance burden.
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Defense Standardization Program Case Studies
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