Navy Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus
Market research was used to achieve significant qualitative benefits by using a standard, commercial product for self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) acquisitions. The use of Oxygen Breathing Apparatus' (OBA's) which were the standard on Navy Vessels, dated back to the 1930's and 1940's. While OBA's had continued to perform their intended function, numerous problems had arisen around the technology, ergonomics, logistics support and cost. The outcome, NAVSEA recognized the shortcomings and began R & D efforts of a new breathing apparatus. By conducting market research of all existing commercial SCBA's and focusing on safety, reliability, and interchangeability, the Navy concluded that a commercial unit could meet its requirements as well as provide the latest technology. Market research demonstrated that standard, commercially available SCBA's could meet Navy requirements and provide enhased capabilities while lowering life-cycle cost.
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Defense Standardization Program Case Studies
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